On Thursday 25th March I presented at the 9th Swiss Design Network Symposium . The conference concentrated on Design as common good: Framing Design Through Pluralism and Social Values. As a design researcher my focus is on 2 concomitant areas: ethical creative practice and collaborative creative practice and my latest research project attempts to find intersections between the two.
The conference was obviously conducted online given the current pandemic situation but it was not the same dull paper presentations. Instead, in pre-defined panels, we were encouraged to develop innovative ways to engage participants in conversations on design for the common good and this led to fruitful debate on where design, designers and design research might lead and influence societal development.
My paper titled, The Tridea Project: Designing Conditions to Foster Diverse Co-Creation in a Virtual Space, discusses my latest practice led research project where I aim to engage the creative community from all across the globe in co-created art and design. In doing so I have reviewed various approaches to creating spaces designed for inclusivity and cultural diversity. This research is still ongoing and I'm currently beta testing the platform but interim data suggests that this could be a successful endeavour. You can read my paper here on researchgate or download the conference proceedings here, direct from the conference website where you'll find my paper on pages 483-493
A big thanks to the conference organisers and all participants for making this an worthwhile experience.

Conference abstract

Sneak peak at the Tridea project UI and branding