2022 has been a crazy busy year but a real blessing for me professionally.
I’m genuinely grateful for the support of my colleagues, friends and loved ones who have probably forgotten my face because I’ve been a whirlwind of busy! But without their kindness, compassion, and support, I could not do this thing called academia! Thank you to all who helped me. I am beyond grateful.
25 International Exhibitions across 13 Countries
20 International Design Awards
5 International Conference Presentations
5 International Jury Service Duties
4 International workshops delivered
3 Competitive Grant Funding Awards (2 as Co-Pi and 1 as PI)
2 Academic Journal Publications
1 Book Design & Publication
Amongst all this chaos, I successfully applied for reappointment. I was awarded a full-term extended contract appraised to have exceeded expectations across all three areas of research, teaching, and service. I am truly grateful to those who supported me in this process.
I wish you all a prosperous, successful, and peaceful 2023
