Back in May I the Cut and Paste: Preventing Visual Plagiarism project was honoured with the Award of Excellence, the highest honour from the international design competition, The Communicator Awards. The Communicator is "the leading international awards program recognising big ideas in marketing and communications. Founded nearly three decades ago, The Communicator Awards receives over 6,000 entries from companies and agencies of all sizes, making it one of the largest awards of its kind in the world." (Honouring Excellence in Marketing & Communications, 2020)
The Communicator Awards is sanctioned and judged by the Academy of Interactive & Visual Arts, an invitation-only group consisting of top-tier professionals from acclaimed media, communications, advertising, creative and marketing firms.
Today I received my trophy and isn't it beautiful! Created by RS Owens, the producer of the Oscar® and Emmy® Awards, the Communicator statuette is a symbol of the continued pursuit of excellence in marketing and communications and I'm so proud. This will take pride of place in my office :)

Communicator Awards. 2020.Honoring Excellence In Marketing & Communications. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 13 July 2020].