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The F**K Racism poster comprises of an original black and white self-portrait photograph complimented by experimental typography. This piece was created in response to the many social injustices inflicted upon marginalised communities but its inception was the Black Lives Matter Movement in the USA. I created the piece as a form of protest, and in my own small way to contribute to the collective voice against discrimination and prejudice. My husband is Arabic and my daughter of mixed race so I do not feel I can stand idly by whilst BAME communities are subjected to racism. As a white woman I acknowledge my privilege and I am striving to learn and do better as an ally. I know I have a lot to learn (and unlearn) but I can start by saying fuck racism at the top of my voice and let it be known I won’t tolerate that bullshit.

As part of this project I have donated to a charity in the UK which is close to my heart, Give racism the Red Card. The site has wonderful resources and provides training and support in education in the UK. Please consider donating to this wonderful cause.

Exhibitions Awards and Publications

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The work has been selected for several international juried exhibitions and awards,

  • Bienal Internacional del Cartel en México (BICM)  Franz Mayer Museum, Mexico City, Mexico And Museo Arocena (the Arocena Museum)  Torreón. Coahuila, México


About BICM
5600 international posters were submitted and a total of 394 were selected (7%) In Category A: 168 posters selected = Top 3% of international entries. Bienal Internacional del Cartel en México (BCIM) is a member of ico-D and is one of the three oldest poster design competitions in the world. BCIM hold a biannual International Design Congress (CID) in the Franz Mayer Museum and host a historic archive consisting of a collection of interviews, publications, and over 70 thousand posters, compiled from BICM editions. The work is now part of the museum archive collection and is exhibited alongside posters by graphic design master Seymour Chwast Co-founder of Pushpin Studios.

The Jury consisted of emanant international designers and scholars including:

  • GÖTZ GRAMLICH, Germany. Currently one of the most important poster designers in Germany and in the world.

  • ANGELINA LIPPERT, USA. Chief curator in Poster House located in New York City.

  • CHI MEI CHANG, Taiwan. Honorary President of the Graphic Design Association in Taiwan, vice president of the Design Alliance

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BOLIVIA BICeBé® Poster Biennial 2021 

  • Bolivia BICeBé® Poster Biennial 2021 - National Museum of Art in La Paz, Bolivia
    About The Bolivia BICeBé® Poster Biennial 2021

    Fuck Racism poster was awarded as Finalist in Category B: Social Posters
    This competition received a total of 11,521 posters from 90 countries. The selected 407 (Top 3%) outstanding works were exhibited in The National Museum of Art in La Paz, Bolivia.
    Category B awarded 110 works, making my poster in the top 1% of all international entries


Jury members consisted of esteemed designers and academics including:

Academic and master poster designer Asst. Prof Rikke Hansen of the University of Southern Denmark and AIGA Medallist and arguably one of the best graphic designers in the world, Mr. Art Chantry.

Other entries were selected from esteemed designers such as Fons Hickmann (Germany) and Leo Lin (Taiwan)

Selected Posters BICeBe.jpg

Graphis Protest Poster II Competition 2021

  • Graphis Protest Poster II Competition 2021 # Major Award
    The Fuck Racism poster was Awarded Silver in this International Peer Reviewed Competition
    The online winners exhibition held at top-tier international design award. This work now sits alongside the likes of Milton Glaser, Marcos Minini and Takashi Akiyama. This juried award was selected by esteemed judges from Japan, China, Brazil and US.
    Other winning entrants include Fons Hickmann from Germany and Landor from the US

Graphis Award Silver Protest Posters2.jpeg

Alongside the above exhibitions and award this work is now represented by MvVO and showcased on Contemporary artists must have gallery representation in order to be promoted on Artsy and MvVO ART provides this opportunity.

Featured on Art Project insta and fb details coming on 29th Jan

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